
This project was created for research purposes for studying Reactjs. The main idea is taken from the resource scalerator.com. This project helps in studying scales and chords on the guitar. I added some useful features from my self such as playing selected part of fretboard notes, changing play direction and play repeat. Provided more detailed scale information (interval formulas). I am going to add another cool features to this project soon. So any feedback or contributing will be appreciated.

All code is available on github.

You may leave your feedback on feedback page or create an issue on github.

Some technical info

Scales generator is built on top of reactjs framework. This my first react application and i really positively impressed. You just working with your application state, and react cares about all DOM modifications end other stuff. It has a good documentation and community support. One of the main advantages for me - was an ability to render components on the server-side. If you will look at source page code here - then you will see that the main component was already prerendered on the server, and that is really awesome.

All business logic and react components in application are written in coffeescript. As for me, describing react's virtual dom in coffeescript's syntax looks like much better even than in jsx.

Look here at example:

React = require 'react'
{div, span, button} = React.DOM

MyComponent = React.createClass
    render: ->
        (div {className: "someClass"},
                 style: {color: "#000"},
                 "Some Text"
                 (button {name: "my-button"}, "button text")

Project is build with Grunt build system. All modules are bundled with browserify.

Suggestions and contributings are welcome =)